My name is Cliff Brooks, I am the author of a very unique method book on learning to play afrocuban conga drum improvisation called "Rumba Afro Cuban Conga Drum Improvisation". Every who loves afro cuban conga drumming will be very excited to have this book. The "quinto licks" are for playing with rumba. The rhythms that drummers play these "licks" with are used with Guaguanco, Columbia, Yambu, Rumbas del Tiempo de Espana and many more, including salsa type rhythms. This book teaches beginners basic timing and syncopation. Intermediate to advanced drummers will learn some really tasteful "licks". The book would be great to study alone or in combination with a teacher. The method used in the book is very different from anything that's out on market and is extremely easy to learn from. To learn more about the book, it's method and the author go to: afrocubanchops.com the book is being sold at: melbay.com, Descarga.com, rhythmweb.com, barnes and noble book stores. This is a book many hand drummers and "rumberos", have been waiting for, because it breaks down the Quinto "language" in a very clear and precise manner, using my revolutionary self teaching method for Latin percussion. If you decide to get this rare book on on rumba quinto 'vocabulary" licks, please let me know how you like it.
Author, Cliff Brooks qualitydag@earthlink.net
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