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Ayotte Custom Drumsticks


Custom Sticks! * * * * Pro Maple Special!

Personalized Drumsticks! Best Prices Ever On Promaple!

Are You Ready For Your Own Signature Model Drumstick?

If Yes . . . . . . . . Choose from any of our 16 models . . . . .

Have your name or band logo printed on the world's finest drum sticks. . .

Ayotte is proud to offer you the incredible opportunity to personalize your Ayotte stick of choice. It is easy and cost effective. You pay a "one time only" plate set-up fee of $10. One box (12 pair, minimum order) costs only $65. Every subsequent box costs only $65 Your plate is kept on file for future orders. Call an Ayotte sales representative to assist you with details.

Ayotte Drums
2060 Pine Street
Vancouver BC Canada V0N 1G0

toll free phone 877-736-5111 phone (604)736-5411 fax: (604) 736-9411
email: ayotte@ayottedrums.com

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