Hi my name is Emmanuel Infante and I got this RMV (brazilian drums) they are very very sweet for progressive rock, any way here are some pics of the drumset :) I recommend RMV drums, and meinl, wuhan cymbals for good progressive rock, enjoy the pics!!
Bass Drum: 22x18 RMV Bass Drum
Toms: 8 Short Tom, 10 Short Tom, 12 Short Tom, 14 Short Tom, 16 Standard Tom W/Legs
Snares: 14x5.5 RMV Snare and 10x4 Custom Peace Metallic Snare.
Cymbals: (From my left to right) 16 Paiste Inverted Crash on top of a 20" ride, Meinl MCS Medium hi-hats, 16" Crash Meinl MCS, 12"35cm Zildjian Z Custom Splash (Sounds like Crash), 13" PowerBeat by Sabian Crash (Very Powerful Sound), 18" Pearl Crash, 20" MCS Meinl Ride, 18" Crash/Ride Ziljian Planet Z, 14"35cm Power Beat Thin Hi-Hats, 18" Wuhan China (Excellent Sound), in the middle there is a orange tambourine and a Avedis 8" Splash.
Cymbal Holders are Gibraltar, Pearl, RMV and Yamaha.
Tom Holders are RMV
Pedals: Pearl Double Pedal, RMV Hi-Hat Stands